Deze triënnale voor fotografie, telkens met een ander thema, wordt sinds 2005 in Sint-Martens-Latem ingericht. Het gaat 'm hier om afdrukken op papier.
Edgard Barbaix was een kunstfotograaf uit het Gentse in de jaren 20 en 30 van de vorige eeuw. Hij verwierf faam met zijn opnames van stedelijk en landelijk leven en portretkunst.
Selecties Marc Van Deun in de Barbaixprijs 2008 en 2011, telkens met eervolle vermelding.

Barbaixprijs 2008 - thema Schaduw Besides selected/awarded in Barbaixprijs, 2 selections in int. contests in Belgium and Austria

Barbaixprijs 2008 - thema Schaduw Selected/awarded in Barbaixprijs

Barbaixprijs 2011 - thema Alleen Besides selected/awarded in Barbaixprijs, selected in an int. contest in the Netherlands

Barbaixprijs 2011 - thema Alleen Besides selected/awarded in Barbaixprijs, 6 selections in int. contests in Belgium, Germany, Macedonia, Wales and U.K.
Marc Van Deun: laureate 1st place

- in federal contests, originally organised by the Belgian Federation of Photoclubs BFFK, later by Flemisch part CVB
- as Monochrome Print: in 1984, 1994, and 2012
and best author MP in final placings 1984
- as Colour Print: in 1987 and 1991
- in other photocontests:
- 1994 and 1995: AVF Brabosalon (MP and CP)
- 1996: AVF - RBW Benevisiesalon (CP)
- 1996: Kunstprijs Fotografie Lint (MP)
- 2003: KVF Salon (CP)
- 2006: theme contest 'Thuis in de Stad" (CP)
Jos Van Deun
(1919 - 1992)
My father was a welknown photographer and took part in a lot of photocontests.
He achieved fine results in photography and stimulated many colleagues.
He was author FIAP since:
- 1973: AFIAP
- 1976: EFIAP
- 1986: ESFIAP
- 1991: MFIAP with his portfolio "Wandeling langs oude graven", a serial of 20 monochrome prints (this small print is a link to his serial)
Laureate 1st place
- Beneluxsalon CP 1969, Hamme, Belgium
- federal contest MP 1971
Benevisiesalon 1992 - 10/10/1992: his last public performance in Goirle, the Netherlands

And since his decease?
- April - June 1993: personal exhibition in his hometown, Crematorium Turnhout, Belgium
- May - June 1994: group exhibition "Maestros de la FIAP", Palacio de la Merced, Cordoba, Spain
- November 1994: group exhibition "Masters in Photography 2", Kappa Mol, Belgium
- September 2002: group exhibition "Masters FIAP of the World", Buenos Aires, Argentina
- May - August 2006: group exhibition "Salon MFIAP", Novi Beograd, Serbia-Montenegro
- April 2007: exhibition "Turnhoutenaars tonen erfgoed: Topstukken", City Hall Turnhout, Belgium
- July - September 2007: group exhibition "Reality and Imagination - Masters FIAP", Photo Art Gallery Batana, Rovinj, Croatia
and publication of the monograph "Maîtres FIAP" (360 pages volume)
- 2008: publication of the monograph "Masters FIAP Maîtres 1980-2008" Center of Visual Arts, Rovinj, Croatia (583 pages volume)